


This mini – project is a Computer Based Training for the subject of Environmental Studies. This is done mostly using Flash MX. In this tutorial the user is of the CBT is encouraged to learn Environmental Studies in a more interactive manner.
CBT is an acronym that stands for Computer Based Training. CBT is a catchall phrase for any title, application, or system that uses a computer to teach, train, impart knowledge, or to otherwise help the intended audience learn a skill, a task, a job function, or obtain specific knowledge.

As per the response to the Supreme Court’s Order and UGC’s directives “Environmental Studies” was included in the curriculum of the I year Under Graduate students of all Universities. Thus the content of the training was basically designed as per the syllabus of the University of Madras for the subject Environmental Studies.

There are all together 8 units. All the units for the subject are discussed in detail with interactions and animated effects. This makes the learning interesting for the user thus making the learning effective.



System Implementation:

Home Page

The Environmental Studies course begins with the Home page Window. This window consists of the Navigational Panel and the Text Area.

Navigational Panel

Navigational Panel contains buttons to view the Home, the Glossary, the Help and the Search for the course. In addition you can exit the course by using the Exit Button available on the Navigational Panel.
The Navigational Panel is available throughout the course.
In the Navigational Panel:
You use the Home Button to view the home page from any location in the course.
You use the Glossary Button to view the glossary.
You use the Help Button to view the help topics.
You use the Search Button to search for keywords in the course material.
You use the Exit Button to exit the course.

Learning Path

The Text Area of the Home Page displays the Learning Path. The learning path lists the lessons and topics in the course.

Learning Objective

To display the lesson or topic objective, you a point to a lesson or a topic name.

Navigating to a Topic

To access a topic, you click a topic name in the Home page. When you click a lesson name, the first topic of the lesson is displayed.

Navigational Panel on the Topic Page

The Navigational Panel to the left of the topic page is similar to the Navigational Panel of the Home page. The Navigational Panel on the right of the topic page displays the lesson name and four buttons.

Use the Next button to view the next page in the topic.
Use the Previous button to view the previous page in the topic.
Use the Stop button to stop the audio for the current page.
Use the Replay button to replay the audio for the current page.

You can take the quiz to test your understanding of the concepts covered in the course. The quiz questions are randomly selected from a pool of questions. The type of question available is multiple choice, true or false and fill in the blanks. After attempting a question you are provided with a feedback.
While attempting the quiz, only forward navigational is supported. You cannot reattempt a question after its evaluated. All questions are expected to be answered. No question can be skipped. In addition navigation to any location besides the next question leads to the termination of the quiz.

Multiple Choice Interaction

In Multiple Choice Interactions, you need to select the correct option from the specified list of options.

After attempting a question, you need to click the Check Answer button. If required, you can modify the answer before clicking the Check Answer button. A feedback a displayed based on the answer. If the answer submitted was wrong a feedback along with the right answer is displayed.

Fill in the Blanks Interaction

In the Fill in the Blanks Interaction, you need to type the answer in the text box provided. After attempting a question, you need to click the Check Answer button. If required, you can modify the answer before clicking the Check Answer button. A feedback a displayed based on the answer. If the answer submitted was wrong a feedback along with the right answer is displayed.

True or False Interaction

In True or False Interactions, you need to select the correct option that is, either true or false. . After attempting a question, you need to click the Check Answer button. If required, you can modify the answer before clicking the Check Answer button. A feedback a displayed based on the answer. If the answer submitted was wrong a feedback along with the right answer is displayed.


After you attempt the quiz completely, you can view the quiz scores in a report. This report is automatically displayed.

Searching for Content

You use the Search Button in the Navigational Panel to search for keywords in the course material. To search for a keyword, you need to type the keyword and then click the Search Button. If the keyword is found, then all its matches are displayed.

View the Help for the training

You use the Help Button to view the help for the whole training.


Home Page






Search Engine for the CBT


Quiz - Choose the correct answer




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